Process health checks
We advise clients to schedule quarterly health checks, assessing the current processes and practices of your team and challenging those that are unusual or unlikely to serve you well.
Evolving your team’s process over time is essential to getting the most benefit, but it carries with it a risk that successive adjustments will eventually take a team out of the zone of workable practices. Although there are things a team can do to help guard against this, it is also useful to bring in someone from outside the team to review your current process: what are you doing, and why. There is always a reason for doing something the way you do; by having it challenged, you can ensure that reason is known, and evaluate if it’s still applicable.
Our process health checks take the form of an extended interview with relevant members of the team, reviewing your current position and exploring reasons for the details. Our process health report that we generate from this includes:
- a summary of the team’s current position
- unjustified deviances highlighted
- an analysis of current deviances against common industry positions
- recommendations of changes to consider
Technology health checks
Similarly to process health checks, it is also useful to periodically take stock of your overall technology choices.
Covering everything from security practices and use of cloud services to technology architecture, managing vendor risk and internal processes, we can give an external view of the strengths and weaknesses of your current technology position. Scope can vary widely depending on your needs, so at the start of any engagement we will work with you to explore the shape of your organisation and where you feel the biggest challenges lie.
Similar to the technical due diligence an investor or potential M&A may require, a technology health check can be valuable at many points of a company’s growth, helping give confidence and guiding future strategy and development.