
Where does the time go?

Let’s consider a single week; the figures I’ll use came from a company I was working with recently. They had a number of developers and designers working together as an agile team, and although some of the details I’ll talk about are specific to developers, there are similar things for designers — or indeed people doing totally different types of work.

So. What is a week?

Five days Monday to Friday, 9-6 with an hour for lunch. That’s 40 hours.

40 hours to a week

If you’re really efficient, your standup is genuinely five minutes every day. If you’re honest, a lot of the time it’s 15-20 minutes, particularly if people start assembling five minutes early, and chat a bit as they leave. We were more like that.

That’s up to two hours on standups

Every iteration we had a retrospective meeting.

One hour for a retrospective every two weeks

And we spent time as a team every week doing backlog grooming, estimation and so on. (This wasn’t ideal in some respects, but the whole team wanted to be involved throughout.)

Planning always takes longer than you think it does

Hopefully everyone gets a one-to-one meeting with their manager regularly.

I can’t overstate the importance of one-to-ones

Lots of teams use github Pull Requests or something similar for code reviews. If each developer spends half an hour a day reviewing others’ work, that’s more than two hours a week.

Half an hour a day adds up quickly

If you’re unlucky, there are lots of company meetings you get sucked into. If you’re lucky, then you’re probably spending more time on code reviews. And of course some company meetings are important, so you can’t eliminate them entirely.

All-hands meetings, cross-functional update meetings, …

And there’s always other things…

20 minutes’ ping pong every day? It’s not actually that much

So that leaves us with:

27 development hours in a week

Note that quite a lot of the other thirteen hours are work as well. But here we’re thinking in terms of the time available to plan, build, test and deliver new functionality.

27 hours sounds okay, doesn’t it? But we’re not finished yet. Consider a year:

365 days in a year

Unless it’s a leap year:

366 days in a leap year, but let’s just ignore that

(Let’s pretend it isn’t.)

We don’t work weekends. Or at least, we shouldn’t work weekends. Let’s hope no one is routinely working weekends, because that’s a whole different issue.

That’s about 105 days not even in the office

In the UK we have eight days that are “statutory holidays”, like 1st May and “Boxing Day”.

It’s okay, there are still over 250 days left

If you’re in fulltime work in the UK, you get another 20 days’ holiday by law.

232 days left

People will take some sick days. (I got this number from averages for the IT sector in the UK, although it’s quite heavily contested.)

228 days left

Good companies invest in their employees, whether that’s sending them on courses, or to conferences, or just giving them the authority to learn new skills and techniques on company time. Four days is probably the least-defensible figure here, but it also isn’t completely crazy.

224 days left

Let’s make it easy on ourselves, and say:

220 workable days per year.

Okay, so with 220 workable days out of 260 weekdays per year, and with 27 “development” hours per week:

27 * 220 / 260, because we need to adjust the idealised week of 27 / 40 development hours to take account of all the time out of the office during the year.

So the average week — taking into account holidays, training, sickness and everything — contains:

23 development hours

Where did it all go? We’ve lost 17 hours per week!

6 hours out of office, 11 hours on non-development work, leaving 23 hours.

Of course, if you do the sums for your own team you might come out with very different numbers. Maybe you’ll have more development hours, or maybe less. But you aren’t going to get 40 hours per week, every week, out of every team member.


There are two points here.

  1. Time spent doing productive work is precious, and we should work to defend it against unnecessary meetings and other interruption.

  2. It’s important to recognise that just because someone is a developer doesn’t mean they’re going to spend all their time at a computer typing in code.

Even if you include planning meetings, standups and standing at a whiteboard in “developing”, there are other things that employees need to spend time on: things like CPD, mentoring and one-to-one meetings with their managers are an important part of their job too.

Ticket flow

This excellent piece on code reviews by Mathias Verraes reminded me of something I generally try to do that has almost nothing to do with code reviews, which is how I operate on ticket flow. The bit that triggered me was this:

Another effect is something called ‘swarming’ in Kanban … Stories are finished faster, and there’s a better flow throughout the system.

What do we mean by ‘better flow’? For that matter, what do we mean by ‘flow’ in the first place?

What is ticket flow?

You can think of each piece of work that a team does as flowing across the team’s different functions. The tickets in your development have a number of states they go through, from “new” (before anyone has done any substantive work) through to “deployed” (live, or part of a released version). Here’s a simple example:

A simple flow might go from new, through in progress and in review, to done where it’s complete but not yet live, and finally deployed.

Every piece of work that’s valuable has to get to that final state, so the flow of tickets is the tickets moving through those states from new to deployed.

Ticket flow therefore is one way of thinking about the work that the team does. But why does it matter?

Why is flow important?

If you’re familiar with Lean software development then you may already have some thoughts here. One of the principles in Lean is to deliver as fast as possible, which broadly means that we want tickets to move as quickly as practical through to deployed.

However there’s another Lean principle that’s pertinent here: eliminate waste, and in particular the waste of waiting, which in software development terms means tickets sitting around in one state when they should be moving forwarding toward deployment.

That may sound ideological, but it often makes intuitive sense. For instance, developers generally would prefer to get changes through code review as soon as possible after they do the work, so they can shift their focus completely onto the next piece of work. Worse, with continuing work by other people introducing changes to the system, incomplete work can become harder to integrate over time.

If you’re talking about eliminating waste in your process (which is one of the Lean principles for good reason), then you’re aiming to reduce the time taken to do things to as close to what’s possible as you can.

So flow is ‘better’ when…

So a better flow in this sense will be one where waiting time is minimised. In other words, ticket flow is better when it’s smoother, ie when tickets move forward without significant hold-up. In practice, each state has some minimum time to get through to the next; it takes time to actually build the feature, to go through code review, and so on. But if you have waiting time, then you have waste you can work to eliminate.

However it’s not always practical to measure the waiting time of tickets. For instance, when a piece of work enters code review, what happens is that it waits until someone has time to look at it. Then the work of code review begins as that person looks at the code. After a while they may make some comments, or ask for changes. Then the ticket will go back into waiting for either the original developer to address the review, or for another person to review it. All your review system is likely to record is when individual comments were added, or when changes were added by the original developer. For some of the time between the ticket is waiting, and for some of the time it’s being worked on. If we can’t measure them directly, we should look for a way to approximate the figures we care about.

A lot of development trackers will provide figures for something called cycle time, the length of time taken from when the ticket is picked up (moved from new into “in progress”, or whatever the “being worked on” state is) and finally marked as complete (deployed, in our case). However this doesn’t tell us much either, because cycle time obscures all of the waiting at different points in the ticket’s flow.

However if we have the cycle time for each ticket, we can visualise the distribution of cycle time.

A scatterplot of cycle times gives a view of cycle time distribution.

We can also calculate some aspects of that distribution. The average isn’t going to be terribly interesting, but we can also calculate the variance, a measure of how spread out the different cycle times are. A larger variance means less consistency in time taken to complete the work.

Median, with error bars showing one standard deviation from the mean

And if we can calculate this for the entire cycle time, we can also do so for the transitions from one state to another in the ticket flow.

Why is lower variance better?

Say we just look at time taken to get out of the code review state. The average of recent times gives us an idea of how quickly we can expect a ticket to pass through this state. However if that time has high variance, then some tickets will take longer. Some will take less time.

There are a few reasons this might be the case. Perhaps some types of work are intrinsically harder to review and so take longer. Or perhaps one member of the team takes far longer than others to review. Perhaps one member of the team presents code for review in a way that takes longer to digest. High variance won’t tell you what the problem is, but it will highlight that there’s something going on that you should look into.

I’ve heard people object that since the size of pieces of work isn’t particularly consistent, the variance will naturally be higher. You can either divide times by your estimate for the piece of work to try to normalise this data, or you can work to try to break work up into more consistently-sized pieces. Although it may sound like that’s changing your process to fit your measurement abilities, there are other benefits to having more consistent sizes for work — notably that they’ll probably be consistently smaller as well, which makes it more likely for instance that each piece of work can be code reviewed in one session.

So we can plot average and variance for the different times taken for tickets to pass through the various states. That will give us a way of identifying higher variance steps, and also if variance (and average) are decreasing over time, or at least not increasing.

However there’s another graph we can draw, without any timing data at all, which gives us a direct way of visualising the ticket flow. Enter the flow graph, where we graph stacked counts of the different states.

Graphing the flow itself

Consider having five team members. They each pick up a piece of work, and when they finish their work item it goes into review. They then immediately pick up another piece of work. Sometime later, once someone’s had a chance to review their earlier work, and they’ve had a chance to make any changes, the ticket moves to done. Every so often someone notices there’s some work waiting to be released, and everything in done moves to deployed.

With uneven flow, things will build up in one state and then get flushed in one go

This doesn’t look very smooth, which we should expect because of phrases like “sometime later” in the description above.

Let’s look at a slightly better scenario, where tickets are reviewed almost immediately.

With a more even flow, work doesn’t get ‘stuck’ so much

In review tickets pass through to done faster now, but unless we also deploy more regularly the overall shape of the graph doesn’t change much. If we change things so that once someone’s work has been reviewed, they’re responsible for getting it deployed as soon as possible, things start to look a lot better.

With a well-functioning process, a flow graph should have a smooth top

The ‘surface’ of the flow graph tells you how many tickets are ‘in flow’ at any one time — they’ve been picked up but not yet deployed. If your tickets are all a sensible size, and assuming you have a large enough team, this should remain largely constant over time. There’ll be a little variation, for instance if people claim a ticket and start thinking about it while waiting for CI to run ahead of a deploy.

As you’d expect, the overall cycle time is lower in the third scenario: around 12.5 time units rather than 18 for the first scenario. The step cycle times are also better, and crucially their variance is a lot lower. But the most important thing is that in the third scenario, more features were deployed in that time range than in the first; there aren’t completed features waiting around to be deployed.

Note that over the long-term this may not mean you get any more work done within the team. However that work gets out to users faster; the waste that’s been eliminated is waiting time of the work, rather than inefficiency of any team member doing a particular task. (This means that a team of excellent developers and designers can still have inefficiencies in their process which you can work to reduce.)


Ticket flow is a way of thinking of work flowing through your team. We can use that to investigate potential problems, sticking points in your process that you should look at. Looking at the distribution cycle time and time taken within each state of your process gives a direct numeric representation, or by using a flow graph you can see the ‘smoothness’ of your process.

The last time I needed this was with a team that used Target Process with a monitoring system based on statsd, and I created a small python script that pulls counts of TP entities out of their API and feeds them to statsd.

I checked the TP status dashboard every day before standup to see if there were any process blockers I needed to raise with the team

"Out of band" work in an agile environment

Recently, I was talking to someone about how to prioritise and assign resource for out-of-band work: work that isn’t planned and managed according to your regular process, but rather appears out of the blue, whether a problem caught by monitoring or a misfeature reported by a user.

How do you make sure there’s someone available to do the out-of-band work? Some out-of-band work needs dealing with immediately, but some can wait. How do you decide which?

Why is this a problem?

It’s perhaps worth briefly discussing why this can be a significant problem for agile teams. Surely an agile team can cope with work that comes in, prioritising it against business needs (perhaps with the help of a business-side specialist)? Can’t self-organising teams figure this out?

The trouble is that many performant agile teams rely on the ability to focus, whether on a single piece of work for the few hours or days it takes, or a broader feature that chains multiple pieces of work together to deliver some concrete improvement to end users. Out-of-band work draws focus.

However a high-performing team can indeed figure this out, coming up with practices that allow them to respond to out-of-band work without significantly damaging their focus. They may like to start from these suggestions, and for teams that are still developing their abilities, perhaps these ideas can help as well.

Who should do out-of-band work?

There seem to be two options here: either you keep the out-of-band work within the team, or you put it in a different team.

With the rise of Lean Software Development, and particularly related movements like Devops, it feels strange to separate out anything that is maintenance work on your team’s product from the team itself; it runs against a number of the lean principles. However we’ll consider the implications of doing just that, as well as a halfway house where some subset of the team is always split off to work on out-of-band work.

Out-of-band as a separate team

You can have a team alongside the product team whose job it is to handle out-of-band work. This means that out-of-band issues don’t impact the product team’s velocity. However there are a number of significant drawbacks:

  • splits knowledge of the product between the team responsible for that product and a separate team — in particular, Conway’s Law may start to apply: your software may stop being the shape you need it to be

  • if an issue requires knowledge that the out-of-band team doesn’t have, it will still impact on the product team

  • career progression for the out-of-band team may be harder to manage

  • may create conflict counter to the Devops idea of having operational responsibility within the product team

There’s an exception where most of the out-of-band work is actually product support (for example helping configure a user’s system, or setting up a customisation). In that case it may be worth having a tier of support to handle this. Bugfixes to the product itself I’d still advocate go to the product team (even if the upstream support tier can propose those fixes, much as people outside an open source project can contribute proposed changes).

Out-of-band rotas

Each day, or week, or iteration, you can split off one or more team members to handle out-of-band issues.

This can work well, although many people don’t like doing it. In particular, teams or individuals that are worried about their velocity, rather than using it to guide them, may react against this way of working because it’s “not what we’re here for”. (This can be countered by providing a better idea of what the team actually is there for, encompassing the customer needs that drive doing out-of-band work.)

However explicitly and constantly changing the “shape” of the team in this fashion may well reduce cohesion and capability, particularly in a team with less experienced members, or where knowledge of some parts of the system is focussed in specific members. While it’s possible for someone on out-of-band duty to help and support those doing product development, this starts to look and feel a lot more like the next option.

Out-of-band agile practices

At the other end of the spectrum of having a separate out-of-band team, is for all out-of-band work to be handled by the team directly. While this may seem counter to some agile methodologies, which often strongly advise against introducing work mid-sprint, I’ve always viewed specific methodologies as a particular checkpoint on the path to ideal (although likely idealised and unattainable) agile working, where work flows through the team on a just-in-time basis. Providing each work item is also kept small, the team will have significant flexibility to pick up out-of-band work promptly.

But how quickly is prompt in this case? Should people drop what they’re doing as soon as a bug comes in?

How should we prioritise out-of-band work?

Some bugs and issues need addressing as soon as they happen. If the database behind your main product goes down, someone needs to jump on that. Other issues aren’t so urgent. For instance, if a report is sent to your finance team every Monday, and one week they notice that some of the subtotals aren’t correct, you have most of a week to fix it. (Providing the core figures are correct, finance folk are pretty nifty with Excel.)

When a new piece of out-of-band work is identified, whether by an alert from monitoring or exception tracking, a bug coming in from support, a regression against a preview version of an important web browser, or the disclosure of a security vulnerability from a dependency project or supplier, that work must be prioritised in order to help determine when it should be worked on.

In an ideal world, this would work the same way that any piece of planned work is prioritised, which depends on a view from whoever is responsible for product management decisions, guided by advice from other team members in helping assess the work. For anything that isn’t drop-everything urgent, you can manage that after raising it at daily standup, via a daily live bug triage session, or something similar that fits with your existing practices.

The aim is to give the product manager any information required to decide which out-of-band requests become work items that should be picked up in preference to planned work. Other issues that emerge can be planned in the usual fashion. (Of course, an issue may appear one day and not be considered a priority, then rise a day or two later if more, or more important, users run foul of it. You can still manage things in the same fashion, providing you keep on reviewing issues that haven’t been resolved.)

Some things that can influence priorities

The following are probably all relevant:

  • who does it affect? (stakeholders)

  • how much does it affect them? (stakeholder pain)

  • how important are they? (stakeholder power)

  • how long would it take to do the work? (work cost)

The first three are basically an approach to stakeholder analysis, which should be unsurprising given its importance in product management. Taken together with the last, these can then provide a way of determining both relative priorities within out-of-band work, and when compared to planned work.

Note that specialist knowledge in the team may be required to come to a good idea of stakeholder pain as well as work cost. For instance, a bug that has been reported against one browser but is not an issue on another may require a developer or QA engineer to evaluate against the range of browsers and your current user base to determine the level of stakeholder pain it is causing. (On the other hand, if the report came from a very important stakeholder, such as a potential new investor, it may be clear without digging so deep. There are no hard and fast rules as soon as people are involved.)

Note that you may need to consider other dimensions; for instance a security vulnerability that does not have a known practical exploit may require a consideration of risk. A scaling issue surfaced by monitoring may not (indeed, should not) be causing you problems today, and so its importance may be dependent on your growth forecasts for product usage.

Tracking out-of-band work

One of the general problems with out-of-band work is that while you’re likely to have reasonable practices for measuring things like the velocity of product work, you’ll have to put some effort into measuring the out-of-band stuff. However it’s important to do this, because you want to ensure two things: that you can act to reduce variance, and that your out-of-band work costs scale reasonably as your product usage grows.

A common approach is to track the work done after the fact. You could log time spent, estimate complexity or risk in story points, or just file a ticket for every piece of work. They don’t all give you the same visibility into the out-of-band work being done, but all are better than measuring nothing.

If you don’t have reliable and consistent tracking of out-of-band work, you can approximate it by looking at something like velocity per team member. The trouble is that although it will indeed be affected by the out-of-band work, that impact is entangled with a number of others related to team efficiency:

  • team size can impact communication efficiency, which will have knock-on effects on velocity per team member

  • in a small team, the calendrical variance in vacation taken can cause the same effects as changing team size (you can roughly control for the direct impact of size changes by averaging over team strength in days instead of all team members, but that doesn’t take into account the communication impacts)

  • environmental factors (noise and seating arrangements) can affect both individual performance, and communication within the team

  • distributed and home working, particularly if rare, can have both environmental and communication impacts


There are a range of approaches to tackling out-of-band work, which can be considered along an axis of integration with the product team. If you’re aiming for your team to release more frequently, to take complete ownership of its work, and to operate as a largely-autonomous, self-organising unit then you will want to aim for out-of-band work to be accepted and managed by the product team it relates to.

However it may not be possible to do that from where you are now, so some combination of the other approaches may be helpful.

Whoever ends up doing the work, it needs prioritisation like anything else. The authority for this rests in the same place as priorities for planned work, and indeed a lot of the same tools and approaches can be used to make priority decisions.

No matter how you choose to approach things, you should track the work so you can measure things that are important to you. You should also, of course, aim to review and improve your practices over time, both through regular internal retrospectives, and periodic independent assessments.

Agile and continuous delivery

Continuous delivery is one of a number of techniques in building software intended to reduce the time between working on a change and getting it into production. The name is explained by Martin Fowler as follows:

We call this Continuous Delivery because we are continuously running a deployment pipeline that tests if this software is in a state to be delivered.

These days, with the rise of automation of production (for instance, as part of a DevOps way of working), that pipeline will not only test software but will also build the artefacts used to later deploy the software to production.

Most of your processes still work

If you think about what it means for a piece of work — say adding a ‘logout’ feature to a website — to be completed, you’ll likely come up with something like the following aspects:

  • feature has interaction, visual &c design completed

  • code is written, including automated tests for the new feature

  • user documentation is written (including any release notes required)

  • test suite passes

  • sign off acquired (both for the code — via any code review process — and for the feature itself, signed off by the product manager or similar)

Scrum calls this a ‘definition of done’, defined as:

Definition of done: a shared understanding of expectations that software must live up to in order to be releasable into production.

This isn’t any different under continuous delivery, but because we have an automated delivery pipeline building our deployment artefacts, this will need to be included. For instance, if you use Docker to deploy and run your software, your delivery pipeline will generate Docker images, and upload them to an image repository, ready to be used in production.

However there can be some challenges in blending continuous delivery with an agile process.

Everything downstream of your merge should be automated

Say a software engineer on your team, Ashwini, has picked up some work, written the code and tests and wants to move forward. If the work comes back some days later with issues, then it will pull them away from whatever they’ve moved onto in the meantime. We want to avoid that.

A common process is for a software engineer to do some work, be actively involved in code review, and then for the code to be merged. At this point the delivery pipeline can build deployment artefacts, run automated tests and finally mark this work as ready to deploy. Unless the tests fail, there shouldn’t be any way that work moving through the delivery pipeline can revert to Ashwini.

However as well as code review, there are usually some human sign offs that are needed. For instance there may be some manual testing that either cannot be or has not yet been automated. The product manager is likely to want to sign off on work before it is allowed to be made live.

Ideally you want those sign offs to come before merge. Since code review should generally not throw back huge changes (assuming everyone knows what they’re doing and the team is working well together), you can often get product owner signoff first, then have any manual testing processes run in parallel to (and perhaps in collaboratoin with) code review.

I’ve seen teams get product owner signoff by having engineers do ad hoc demos at their desk. Often QA engineers will drop in as well to give immediate feedback from their point of view. For a large piece of work you may want to do this multiple times as the engineer gradually works through everything they have to do.

This can fall apart if the manual testing takes too long, which is another good reason to automate as much testing as possible. If a QA engineer on the team can spend their time on a particular piece of work in writing automated acceptance tests rather than doing manual testing, then it can often be done alongside the software engineer’s work, probably with them directly collaborating.

App stores

You can’t avoid downstream manual work with app stores, because it’s beyond your control. Your deployment artefact is an app which you submit to the store, following which there is often some sort of approval process. To make matters worse, of course, the length of time taken to give that approval, or not, is often unpredictable and can be long compared to your own iteration cycle. The combination of a long pipeline length and late issues causing reversions means that you’ll have to build more defense in your process for out-of-band work.

Your increment cycle is now shorter than your iteration cycle

A lot of agile teams set their increment (how often they release) the same as their iteration (how often they plan). Some have increments longer than their iteration, with the product manager signing off work in an iteration but it not going live immediately.

With continuous delivery, you have the ability to release pieces of work as soon as they’re done. Although you may choose to wrap them up into larger increments, it’s also common to release one or more increments per day. That’s very different from a once-per-iteration release, and the processes you have around for instance notifying users may need to be rethought.

There are some events that typically happen once per iteration which may no longer make sense. For instance, Scrum teams often have a showcase of the work they’ve done in an iteration. This may not make sense if most of the work has already been live for several days, although some teams like to celebrate the work they’ve done across the iteration, and may not want to lose that.

It’s also important not to lose sight of the important events that should continue to happen at the pace of the iteration. A team retrospective, where the team gets to work on and improve its own processes and systems, still needs to happen on a regular basis.

Similarly, most teams do some aspects of future planning on an iteration cycle, through planning meetings, backlog grooming and so forth.

Going further

An important part of making agile processes work is to have a self-sufficient team: not just developers and maybe a product manager, but also the designers, QA engineers and so on that work with them. This should also include the operations engineers responsible for production, which is one aspect of DevOps.

However for operations engineers, a feature is never “done” until it’s shut down. In a Devops and agile way of thinking, that means that engineers, designers and so forth should also consider a feature to be “in play” while it’s live. This can result in some interesting challenges to more rigid adoptions of agile.

If a feature is never done, then it should have regular care and feeding scheduled. This work should be tracked, just like any other, which opens all sorts of questions about how features map to pieces of work (tickets, stories or whatever) in your work tracker.

Further, just because you’re looking at it regularly doesn’t mean that it will require the same amount of effort each iteration. In planning, you will need to decide how much time to spend on each live feature. Having a longer-term view (based around the features) can help here, so you know in advance when a particular iteration is going to have larger amounts of effort devoted to “maintenance” work.

Normalisation of deviance

If you’re using an agile approach to manage your project, you’ll have adopted a number of principles which guide the way you work. One of these is that the process itself (along with tools and other working practices) can be changed by the team:

At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly.

Typically this is done during team retrospectives, driven either by impediments the team has encountered, or opportunities to improve, which are often identified by ideas from outside the team.

Over time the processes will change.

Successive process changes can take a team away from the workable zone of practices. Worse, because of a concept called normalisation of deviance, the team may not even be aware when this has happened: unless something is called out consistently, over time a team may become so accustomed to something that they no longer consider it to be a deviance.

However, because in general it’s impossible to predict the best way for a team to work — and because that may in any case change over the lifetime of a project — it is important to be able to explore changes to process with confidence. There are a couple of techniques you can use here.

  1. Retrospective lookbacks

    In your team retrospective, look back at the retrospective notes from a few retrospectives ago; two or three is a good distance. You can then review both the changes you made then, and the reasons for them. This gives the team a clear opportunity to ‘self correct’ a detail of their process which is no longer appropriate (and perhaps never was).

    Note that some people recommend that the only documentation you keep of retrospectives is the outcomes: the changes you want to make going forward. If you do this, you’re throwing away the ‘documentation’ behind that change, which makes fully evaluating your process in future much harder. If we don’t accept zero documentation for our code choices, we shouldn’t accept zero documentation for our process choices.

  2. Get an outside view

    As much as review of how and why you got to your current process may help teams to identify problems, it doesn’t directly attack the issue of normalisation of deviance. For this, it’s a good idea to get someone from outside the team to review where you are. Their fresh perspective can help highlight problems, and help to identify deviance.

    It’s increasingly common for companies to arrange ‘field trips’, where teams from different companies spend time learning from each other, and this can be a good source of the input needed. Alternatively, consultants with experience of a range of different companies and their processes can provide not only an outside view but also ideas and possible solutions from across the industry.

It’s important to remember that having a process detail that isn’t working is not a failure of anybody. Even if it never served the team well, it may have been an entirely reasonable thing to try. What’s important is identifying and changing them rather than letting them continue to damage the team.

The workable zone in possibility space

If you’re thinking of process changes in terms of an agile possibility space, then you already have the concept of fitness, or how well your current set of processes serve the team and the project.

Moving around the possibility space will change the fitness value.

Some choices will have only a minor impact on fitness, but others can have significant upsides or cause major problems. As the team explores the possibility space, therefore, the fitness of its current position will change. Even a succession of small changes in fitness can have a significant impact over time, so more important than the change in fitness caused by one change is how your fitness is doing over time.

At any point in time, there is a subset of all the possible process options that will actually work well together, a workable zone within the possibility space. Moving outside the zone will cause the team significant issues. (Exactly where you put the boundaries of the zone depends on how much you’ll accept lowered process fitness while you explore the possibility space.)

Teams explore the workable zone when adapting their processes.

Moving about within the zone may increase or decrease productivity, happiness or other measures of team success, but aren’t significantly harmful, so it’s a comfortable place to explore. Providing you’re paying attention to the success of your process changes, it’s often possible for a team to recognise when it strays outside the workable zone, and to make a suitable correction.

However there may be multiple workable zones, perhaps with very different working practices, so sometimes a bold set of changes will produce a better outcome than making smaller changes within the current workable zone.

It may be difficult to realise when ‘jumping’ between different zones is valuable.

This idea may frighten people, but it shouldn’t. In agile software development we’ve adopted various practices that enable us to make bold changes to code. Tests give us confidence before we commit to a change, and monitoring tells us if things went wrong after the fact. I’ll probably write more at some stage about both of these, but there are analogues in adapting your process that can help overcome a fear of moving quickly.

Agile possibility space

There are many different options that a team may take when adopting or adapting its processes. For instance:

  • an explicit daily standup, or an asynchronous approach with daily updates circulated by team members
  • how long the team’s cycle is, governing the frequency of forward planning meetings, team retrospectives and so forth
  • cake Wednesdays?

The total range of options can be thought of as a possibility space, which allows us to think of the current practices as being at a particular point in that space, with the team able to move in a number of different directions by making different choices.

At any given time, a team may move in a number of directions through possibility space.

Choices will either make things better or worse for the team (or have no overall impact). We could think theoretically in terms of each position in the space, itself a combination of different choices, having a ‘fitness’ number. So for instance a team distributed across several timezones would likely have a higher value of fitness for daily updates than for a daily standup at a particular time, because they may not all be able to attend.

There may be more than one ‘current best position’. In fact, with the number of process choices a team is likely to have available to them, there probably will be more than one — and there could be many. If we think of a possibility space in two dimensions only, we could imagine a map of some landscape, with fitness being the height. Maybe you can visualise a team, scrambling over rocks or running down gullies, trying to find the best place to be right now.

We can visualise fitness as contour lines on a map.

One benefit of thinking like this is that it focusses our attention away from trying to find the “one true best methodology” and onto exploring the space. Teams sometimes have to try things out to see if they work, and it’s often not possible to know what the best set of choices are in advance. Certainly there is no universal ‘best position’: it’s dependent on both the current team and the current situation. If you’re on a mountain and someone twists their ankle, or there’s an unexpected thunderstorm, your idea of the best place to be will change. Similarly, changes to team composition, project demands, and other environmental factors from outside the team, will affect good process choices.

If you think of adapting a team’s process as an adventure in possibility space, it can also make it more clear how important it is that the entire team is involved. An idea of which direction to strike out in — which process change to try — can come from anyone, but should be implemented with everyone’s consent.

Of course, the possibility space for most teams will have many more than two dimensions. Additionally, because the ‘success’ of a process choice can be measured in different terms (such as happiness of team, short-term velocity, long-term defect rate and so forth), you can’t really assign just one number; in fact, you often can’t fully predict the outcome of a particular process choice. However conceptually (and mathematically) this doesn’t matter so much, and it’s useful to have a metaphor for things.

Cake Wednesdays

When I was at Artfinder, one of the rituals we developed by accident was cake Wednesdays. What started as ensuring we had cake for important milestones, such as our first anniversary (when we launched, for reasons I can no longer remember we celebrated with liquorice pipes and Brunel expressions), eventually became a competitive challenge of attempting to out-do previous weeks. Someone baked or brought a cake, and the company shared status and updates across teams. And we ate the cake.

I’ve talked about this occasionally since then as accidental (as in unintended) but welcome culture, something that just emerged from the personalities around Artfinder at the time. I’d never urge anyone to do exactly the same, because these things have to grow organically from the team. However I was delighted to discover recently that someone else independently invented cake Wednesdays! I hope they’re still doing them.

More recently, while I was consulting for Scoota and completely independently of me, one of their summer social activities was a GBBO-style competition. Sadly not on Wednesdays, so they don’t get to join the club.